Washington, DC Medical Records Scanning
Record Nations Washington, DC provides full-service medical records scanning for hospitals, medical practices, and related businesses. Our HIPAA and HITECH compliant medical records imaging processes and storage facilities can index, scan, and store large volumes of documents quickly at a reasonable price.
Medical Records Storage Services
Using a storage service will help you open up office space, increase productivity, and reduce the chances of misplaced files. Secure offsite medical records storage companies provide you with an easy way to back up and store critical patient files. Your organization can limit who has access to where the files are stored and set different levels of security to protect patient privacy.
Medical Records Custodianship
If a DC healthcare facility closes, an entity is appointed as the custodian. They are responsible for the management of the patient records. State law requires medical records and files to be retained for a minimum number of years. Custodians of medical records can store physical copies in a secure storage facility or scan the documents and store them electronically using an EMR system. With either option, patient records must be readily available upon request. Failure to produce forms could result in fines or penalties.
If you need help finding a reliable and secure medical records management company in DC, Record Nations can help!