New Haven Medical Record Scanning
Today’s medical patients expect fast lab and medical results. They also want easy access to their personal medical records. When given the opportunity, most patients sign up for a patient portal with their doctor. Record Nations New Haven can connect you with medical records scanning, storage of your medical records, Electronic Health Record Systems (EHR) and other management services to make your office operations more efficient. Our specialty network of document management providers can digitize your patient charts and they can be integrated with the EHR that you have chosen for your medical practice..
In Connecticut, all parts of a medical record along with pathology slides and EEG/ECG tracings have to be retained for seven (7) years from the last date of treatment or three (3) years after the patient’s death. Going digital will transform the way your medical practice interacts with your employees and serves your patients. You’ll have patient information at your fingertips. You’ll be able to prescribe medications electronically and automatically link to pharmacies and other healthcare professionals in your referral network.
Liability decreases in paperless offices. There’s always the risk of losing a paper document, misfiling it or breaching confidentiality if it’s seen by unauthorized persons. Record Nations New Haven has a curated network of industry experts with services that can be used by healthcare clinics, private medical or dental practices, hospitals, and other ancillary healthcare services.
Storage Services for Healthcare Documents
Off-site storage services along with document scanning can keep your medical records secure when you have to retain files to comply with local and state regulations. Storing your aging patient files away from the office will free up clutter during the years-long mandatory retention period. Storage services provided by our network of document management providers are secure and easy to use.
Once you call our trained Record Nations staff, we’ll find you competitive price options with New Haven providers. You can access your files whenever you need to, and you can set up customized security levels as well. Record Nations New Haven can also help your practice find custodianship services when you need them.
Contact Record Nations to Find the Right Service for You!