East Point Medical Records Scanning
Record Nations East Point partners with companies that offer full-service scanning and storage for medical practices, hospitals, and other healthcare related businesses. Our image processing and storage facilities are HIPAA and HITECH compliant. They can index, scan, or store many documents for an affordable price.
Medical record scanning and medical record storage go hand in hand. When you convert patient records to digital files, you will still need to store and retrieve some physical medical records offsite. You will need to find a document management company that specializes in both.
Preparing Medical Records for Scanning in East Point
Medical records contain personal health information (PHI) that must be handled carefully to ensure the information remains confidential. Patient privacy is protected by federal and state law, as well as HIPAA privacy regulations. To stay in compliance, medical practices look to document management systems including scanning.
Medical Records Storage Services
Offsite storage provides a place to store medical files that have not met their retention dates or that need to be available for retrieval or backup.
Our monitored, secure storage facilities protect your documents from being lost or stolen. You can limit access to your files and set different levels of security for your files as needed. You can rest easy knowing your documents are safe with Record Nations East Point.